Friday, November 2, 2007

Autumn is Here, Another Visit by the Firewood Fairy, Prime Ribberly

Lord, I had forgotten about my poor blog!

After a few false starts, autumn is upon us up at the cabin. The temps are finally dropping down into the 20's, and the sky is, well, autumnal.

The geese are back up in the beaver pond, and making quite a racket, but they will be gone in a couple of weeks. Not that they bother us that much.

I think that this is most assuredly the best time of year. Anywhere. I sometimes wish it could be like this 365 dyas. But, then it would lose all of it's poignancy, I s'pose. It's the whole circle of the year and life and death thing.

The firewood fairy visited the cabin a couple of weeks ago. I knew I had been good! She didn't actually stack the wood in the woodshed, though, so I guess I wasn't THAT good. I think she is still miffed at me for staying up on Firewood Eve and snapping a photo of her...

I thought I had been unseen, but she knows! She knows. She even keeps tabs on the Septic Tank Gnomes, and they are MOST elusive.

I played my first "gig" with my Strumstick at the annual dinner for the Fort La Presentation Assoc. It sucked. It was really loud and hot in there, and no one could hear me. I did get a free prime rib dinner out of it, so it didn't suck, all around. So, artistically, it sucked, but prime ribberly, it was tres bien!

I shan't push it too much. I have been away from blogging for a while, but I am BACK!

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